Monday, 31 May 2010

Visit to the British Team in Austria

Friday we dropped in to see the British Team who are in Abtenau in Austria. They have been waiting for favourable weather to compete - so far just one valid task (won by Luc Armand, the R10 designer!!) from a week of waiting.
The team were all in good spirits despite the weather which has varied between heavy rain and light rain. Boo! The one task was not great for the team, finishing 10th in the rankings is not where they deserve to be. A mishap for Russel Ogden saw him having to return to a turnpoint, Adrian Thomas is stuck on a serial class wing while waiting for his Advance competition wing to be load tested (another victim of the weather), Jamie Messenger was ill with blood poisoning!! The rest of the team performed well with Mark Haymen coming about 20th, Neil Robberts close behind and Kirsty Cameron making goal....
My heart goes out to the team, waiting in frustration for the weather conditions to improve enough to fly some tasks. Fingers crossed, we are rooting for you!
BUT, looking at the weather forcast for the following week we bravely fled south on Sunday!!

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